For the trucking branch, here is the general overview of July 2020.
DriversSo who where the ones pulling our wagons?
ETS 2 ETS 2 Top drivers (overall)For the trucking branch, here is the general overview of July 2020.
DriversSo who where the ones pulling our wagons?
ETS 2 ETS 2 Top drivers (overall)My summer vacation is over and it's time for July's report.
OverallOur company rating has increased to our usual area.
FinancesExtremely good job everybody, while June was quite bad financially for the company, July was good. Our balance at the end of the month was 1 086 425€ which is our best result since 2018 at least!
EmployeesTop drivers of the month are:
Top maps for this month were:
As requrested we have added Julingen 5.0 map to the company. It will be on 3 month trial to see if we start earning with the map or not.
The map includes 13 lines and 13 small towns. The main line, line 174, passes through virtually the entire map. With a journey time of approx. 130 minutes per route, it travels from Julingen via Krudenburg, Hackstadt, Kielfeld, Heinzdorf, Besen, Derneburg, Hanswill, Eremietensiedlung, Breverick and Gruven via the Gruvener Hochbrücke to the maritime tourist village Gruvener Strand. According to our community member @binaya64, you can earn some serious bucks wi...
Fleet no #1315 MAN Lion's City A20 E6 has also received a new coat of paint. It also now got our standard paint over the old urban type repaint on it. Like always, you can download the paint from our fleet page.
Fleet number #1600 - MAN Lion's City A25 repaint has been updated to have the now standard company repaint instead of the Urban repaint. You can download it on our fleet page like usual.
After a long wait and thanks to efforts of Sambob_12, 2 versions of the Enviro 400 MMC bus from the Studio Polygon DLC have been added to the company.
The two variations added are:
Like always link to DLC and repaints are available on our fleet page. (direct links you can by click on the fleet numbers above)
It has been a while, but time for a company event, this time on American Truck Simulator. We will be choosing the route depending on what DLCs people who show up have.
Event will take place on Sunday, 5th of July 2020. We will start 19:00 UTC in our company HQ Los Angeles, California.
See starting time in your timezone below:
Time converter at worldtimebuddy.comTime converter at worldtimebuddy.comwindow[wtb_event_widgets.pop()].init()
Register to the event on TrucksBooks:
For the trucking branch, here is the general overview of June 2020. This time ATS didn't have any activity at all.
DriversSo who where the ones pulling our wagons?
ETS 2 Top drivers (overall)It's report time!
Overall statisticsThis month our company rating has dropped under 90% which is our worst outcome in quite some time.
FinancesOn financial side this month was bad. We are almost nearing 900 thousand. Let's hope this trend doesn't continue or we will not to start thinking about removing buses.
EmployeesTop drivers of the month are:
Top five maps of this month were: