During the webdisk advent calendar, a new freeware Citaro C2 pack was released. As I missed it I didn't have a chance to look into it. But now it has been released publicly and just wow. The pack was well made, has many different variations and is free! Thus we decided to replace all of our Hamburg and Rheinhausen Citaro C2-s, with this free version (eCitaros are untouched).
Monthly report - October & November 2022
American Truck Simulator Euro Truck Simulator 2 General
Overall takeaway from this report is - ATS and ETS 2 are doing fairly well. BCS is still on stalemate, we ended our experiment, removed some maps and buses.

Re-added: MB O405N2 & O405GN2 by Julian
As requested by one of our drivers I've readded the Julian's MB O405 buses. Both buses are in depot 3, next to the O405 and O405G.
Links to extra mods: https://wiki.gogroupvirtual.eu/books/list-of-useful-mods-for-buses/page/mb#bkmrk-o405n2-%26-o405gn-2-%28j For example my fix that makes the O405N2 support OMSI 2 stop announcements and K++ fix
Right now they use our old repaints, if they get enough use, I'll update the repaints.
Monthly report - August & September 2022
American Truck Simulator Euro Truck Simulator 2 General OMSI 2
Delayed, but here is the report fot August and July.
Bus Company SimulatorFinancially we were losing money again so in Discord we made a team decision to raise the company and driver share to 75 - 25, meaning more money goes to the company and less to driver. This helps us to stay in the green and we don't need to remove maps. September balance seems high, because the map extensions again got pushed into October, that is the balance you need to look at.
Company rating has been on the rise.
Favourite buses August 2022
Monthly report - July 2022
American Truck Simulator Euro Truck Simulator 2 General OMSI 2
It's time for the July 2022 report.
Bus Company SimulatorWe were late in extending the map licenses this month so you have to look the August balance to see the correct number. We lost both in rating and financially this month. Financially we are very close to our red line, which is company balance under 500 thousand.
Favourite buses

New buses: Solaris Urbino IV Electric
Sobol's Solaris Urbino IV Electric buses have been added to the company. At this moment, the buses are available only for Sobol's Patreons. We added 12 IV 3D Electric and 18 IV 4D Electric versions.
Download instructions and repaint link can be found like always on our fleet page: https://gogroupvirtual.eu/omsi/buses#1260
Both buses are parked in depot 8. Positions 17 and 18. Next to the Ruhr Solaris IV buses.
Do keep in mind that they are early access buses so bugs are expected.
OMSI Company drive (this time including Control Center event)
Our company drive is scheduled for this Saturday on 15:00 - 21:00. It takes place on Grande Porto 2021 as this was the highest voted map that I could choose for Control Center.
Map download link and instructions: https://gogroupvirtual.eu/omsi/maps#grande-porto-2021
No DLCs are needed. Map needs to have collisions turned off.
Please let us know on Discord if you plan to attend: https://discord.gg/NayQ8zrG?event=1001431532000526386
If you own Control Center Simulator addon, you might also want to register our Control Center event running at the same time, this is our first attempt to run it:...
New buses: Masterbus Veiling
Thanks to BMF_NJ, the Masterbus Veiling buses have reached our company.
We added 2 Veiling 3 - Euro 6 versions (12.4m/2DR and 18m/3DR) and one Veiling 2 - Euro 4 version (12m/2DR).
Like always, you can find the bus repaints on our fleet page. Buses are in depot 7
Buses replaced: Scania Citywides
Both of our Scania Citywide buses (old Bioethanol version, with down download link and Sobol's Patreon version) have been replaced with the ones from single pack that is available for everybody.
Buses are in depot 8. Parked on position 7 and 9. We added 12 3D version and 18 4D version.
Like always, download link and repaint link available on fleet page. Search for Scania.