I've uploaded repaint fix for the ADL Enviro 200 MMC. You can find the City V1.1 link on our fleet page like usual. Full fleet package will be updated late tomorrow evening earliest.

Christmas events
American Truck Simulator Euro Truck Simulator 2 Events General LOTUS OMSI 2
As Christmas is nearing and we haven't done a lot of company events lately, I thought it's time to arrange some. However, this time I plan to go all out. We have 4 games, so there will be 4 events. Events are planned starting from Friday, 29.nov and are held every Friday evening (UTC) until 20.dec.
However as I know all people don't have all games in the company and you can't join for every event, thus I've opened up a doodle poll where I would like you guys to let me know which games and which days you could/want to attend.
Please answer to the poll here: https://doodle.com/poll/du63adtt488n...
Repaint: ADL Enviro 200 MMC
Both versions of Enviro 200 MMC now have full company repaint thanks to great work done by Sambob_12.
As always, you can find the links on fleet page and in the next 48h full fleet package will be synced also.
Time for a small competition!
Hey drivers of GoBus!
I thought it's time for a competition, for the game OMSI (Bus Company Simulator), for the month november. The top 3 earning drivers (except for Junior Mangers, Managers, Founder etc.) gets a price of in total of 30k ingame money!
First place: 15k
Second place: 10k
Third place: 5k
Do you want more competitions? We can always discuss it in the team!

Steam Halloween Sale
American Truck Simulator Euro Truck Simulator 2 General OMSI 2
Thanks to keen eyes of our members, we have noticed that there is a Halloween Steam Sale going on.
This sale lasts until November 1st, 10am PST
October 2019 update
So, it's time for another Bus Company Simulator update, this time it will be quite short as we don't have much to report. This was our first month where we didn't have vehicle insurance and right now all points towards that being the correct choice. As you can see from the graph below:
we are no longer running in minus, which is good thing. Full revenue and expenses graphs are here. Our company rating still has been fluctuating between 90 - 92%.
Top drivers this month are:
Full list can be seen here. Especia...
Problems with Rurh map in BCS
Translated using Google Translate
Good Morning,
Here is a short statement on the chronology of the problem being worked on.
After the last steam update of the Map Ruhrgebiet, we were aware of official changes to the SB16 line and the 267 line. These lines were successfully synchronized with the BBS database by our trip team. As a result, we noticed changes to other lines that were not officially announced. For example, in the update of the map, the tours on line 253 were removed and merged with line 254, causing all players to correctly display line 253 as 'not installed' after the Steam upda...
Company drive on New Berlin Spandau
Events OMSI 2
I think it's time for another company drive in OMSI. Event is planned on Friday evening (4th of October), full time details down below:
Time converter at worldtimebuddy.comTime converter at worldtimebuddy.comwindow[wtb_event_widgets.pop()].init()
We are going down the memory lane and visiting the map New Berlin Spandau, which is actually a fictional Berlin map from OMSI 1 times. Map download instructions available on our maps page. This map does not require any DLCs.
Let me know if you are planning to attend or not (maybe option also available) in our forums: https://forum.gogroupvirtual.eu/d/...
BCS Company report - September 2019
It's time for another company status report.
I am extremely glad to say the the termination of our insurance was good choice. Our company for the first time in this year ran in profit.
Revenue graph - Expenses graph
It's not much, but at least we aren't losing any money anymore.
Rating / statisticsOur company rating this month has mostly stayed over 90%, at one point it was almost 93% even, which is better than August.
Our top drivers for this month are: