Company status

General OMSI 2

We are talking about our new manager and inactive managers. We then are discussing the state of company in BCS: activity, stats, finances, Streetdeck DLC and more. Make sure to read it.

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Do we have fans of Farming Simulator?


This is something I've been thinking for a while, but do we have any fans of Farming Simulator and would you guys be interested in our own server? Vote below:

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New wiki


Some of you may already have noticed that we have a completely new Wiki.

This version of the wiki should be a lot easier to use for readibilty and also editing (feel free to join yourself and improve & add content).

Who still doesn't know, our wiki is located on:

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Marginaal 2019-06-01 011230.png

Aerosoft sale on Steam

General OMSI 2

There is a Aerosoft sale currently going on Steam. A lot of stuff, including OMSI 2 DLC-s are around 30% cheaper.

Click here to view

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Wiki address changed


Due to change in frontpage, we have also changed the address of our wiki page. It is now located at

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New homepage


I'm extremely glad to announce that I released our new homepage to the public. It uses a completely different engine than previous one which is a lot faster for you and a lot easier for us to manage (and write our own goodies). There are several things that still need ironing out, but I decided to release it get rid of the old engine as fast as possible. If you do encounter some bugs, do let me know. Yes, I know that search isn't functional yet.

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