Overall takeaway from this report is - ATS and ETS 2 are doing fairly well. BCS is still on stalemate, we ended our experiment, removed some maps and buses.
Monthly report - August & September 2022
American Truck Simulator Euro Truck Simulator 2 General OMSI 2
Delayed, but here is the report fot August and July.
Bus Company SimulatorFinancially we were losing money again so in Discord we made a team decision to raise the company and driver share to 75 - 25, meaning more money goes to the company and less to driver. This helps us to stay in the green and we don't need to remove maps. September balance seems high, because the map extensions again got pushed into October, that is the balance you need to look at.
Company rating has been on the rise.
Favourite buses August 2022
Monthly report - July 2022
American Truck Simulator Euro Truck Simulator 2 General OMSI 2
It's time for the July 2022 report.
Bus Company SimulatorWe were late in extending the map licenses this month so you have to look the August balance to see the correct number. We lost both in rating and financially this month. Financially we are very close to our red line, which is company balance under 500 thousand.
Favourite buses
Monthly report - June 2022
American Truck Simulator Euro Truck Simulator 2 General OMSI 2
And here's the report for June.
Bus Company SimulatorDue to our company now having mininum rank to join 1, we've gotten a lot of new members. It has improved our rating but financially we once again lost this month.
Favourite buses
Again, dominated by british buses.
Monthly report - May 2022
American Truck Simulator Euro Truck Simulator 2 General OMSI 2
Better late than never! Time for another montly report, this time for May......a bit dated report. Up to date report should be coming tomorrow!
Bus Company SimulatorOur rating took a big hit, we dropped down to ~64%. Financially we also lost 10k
Favourite buses
May was dominated by british buses
Monthly report - April 2022
American Truck Simulator Euro Truck Simulator 2 General OMSI 2
Bus Company Simulator
Thankly our rating is higher than it previously was. We did lose on the money balance because of the Iveco DLC buses.
Favourite buses
Monthly report - March 2022
American Truck Simulator Euro Truck Simulator 2 General OMSI 2
Bus Company Simulator
Thanks to the efforts of multiple people, who managed to gather minimum 2 trips per day, we have recovered our company rating. State of finances is fairly neutral (April balance is lower compared March because map extension bills (95 000€) were payed today on 1st April.
Favourite buses
Monthly report - January & February 2022
American Truck Simulator Euro Truck Simulator 2 OMSI 2
Both January and February monthly reports are together this time as I'm missing some data for january,
Bus Company SimulatorThe situation is bad, very bad. All finances we gained in the December's event are gone. Company rating is the all time lowest, only 50% and it's dropping. Latter prevents us from adding any new maps to the company (for example Städtedreieck update).
Favourite buses January 2022

Company report - December 2021
American Truck Simulator Euro Truck Simulator 2 General OMSI 2
Time for the company report for the end of the 2021. BCS side of the company did really well.
OMSI 2 / Bus Company SimulatorOur rating rose a lot, problably due to the Christmas BCS event. This is an extremely good step forward!
I'm glad to also announce that we finished the event milestone!
Sadly the finances don't reflect nicely our progress because I made the mistake of not expanding the maps on the time, meaning map extension costs went into January, thus December taxes were high due to revenue / expenses ratio being out of balance.
Favourite buses
Top 5 buses of this month were:

Merry christmas
American Truck Simulator Euro Truck Simulator 2 Events General OMSI 2
On behalf of our staff team, I would like to wish everybody Merry christmas!
Make sure to enjoy your holidays and do not worry about any activity! But for those who do enjoy some gaming over the the holidays, then there's something for everybody: