Monthly report - June 2022

Posted by GameBurrow on Jul 01, 2022 in American Truck Simulator, Euro Truck Simulator 2, General, OMSI 2

And here's the report for June.

Bus Company Simulator

Due to our company now having mininum rank to join 1, we've gotten a lot of new members. It has improved our rating but financially we once again lost this month.

2022-07-01_14-00.jpg 2022-07-01_14-00_1.jpg

Favourite buses

Again, dominated by british buses.

  1. GO 6212 [DLC] Studio Polygon 400MMC 10.3m (E40D/Voith) (Drvien distance 171.1 km)
  2. GO 6209 [MS] Masterbus Gen 3 Gen 3 Stealth - B5TL 10.5m (79 km)
  3. GO 5203 MAN A21 - UK A21 - ZF (74.98 km)
  4. GO 5205 [SP] Studio Polygon Lite Lite 11.5m (Cummins, Euro 5) (67.7 km)
  5. GO 5204 [V3D] Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 MMC (11.5m) (67.3 km)

Favourite Maps

  1. Yorkshire 3.0 ((Map profit calculated from 3 months average income 26 836€)
  2. Westcountry 3 v3.01 (14 902€)
  3. Grande Porto 2021 (4 176€)
  4. Cotterell v1.1 (3 264€)
  5. London (2 886€)


Nothing special on trucking side this month


Top drivers of the month


  1. Scouse52 (Revenue of 22 384€)
  2. GamerKyren! (18 498€)
  3. Carl37 (12 957€)
  4. GrandmasterFuzz (12 330€)
  5. MNIZARD (11 472€)


  1. Scouse52 (Driven distance of 31 238 km)
  2. Sambob_12 (482 km)


  1. Scouse52 (Driven distance of 12 334 mi)