Overall statistics
ETS 2 drivers Top drivers of the month in ETS 2 are:All drives in ATS were in real category (0 - 80 mph)
Overall statistics
ETS 2 drivers Top drivers of the month in ETS 2 are:All drives in ATS were in real category (0 - 80 mph)
A bit late, but here is the monthly report for our trucking branch.
Overall statistics Drivers of the month ETS 2Sorry for the long delay, I've been quite busy with my work. Here is the trucking report for August 2020.
Overview Top drivers of the month ETS 2I'm a bit lazier this month but here are the driver ranking in different speed categories:
ETS 2 Real category ETS 2 Race category
As ATS only had 1 driver this month, there is no difference there.
For the trucking branch, here is the general overview of July 2020.
DriversSo who where the ones pulling our wagons?
ETS 2 ETS 2 Top drivers (overall)It has been a while, but time for a company event, this time on American Truck Simulator. We will be choosing the route depending on what DLCs people who show up have.
Event will take place on Sunday, 5th of July 2020. We will start 19:00 UTC in our company HQ Los Angeles, California.
See starting time in your timezone below:
Time converter at worldtimebuddy.comTime converter at worldtimebuddy.comwindow[wtb_event_widgets.pop()].init()
Register to the event on TrucksBooks: https://trucksbook.eu/convoy/8253
For the trucking branch, here is the general overview of June 2020. This time ATS didn't have any activity at all.
DriversSo who where the ones pulling our wagons?
ETS 2 Top drivers (overall)Trucksbook servers are currently down. You can monitor the status on their status page: https://status.trucksbook.eu/
Steam summer sale has begun.
All OMSI DLCs and base game (except later ones like eBus and Bad Hügelsdorf) are 30% off.
Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator are 75% off. All released DLCs are 30 - 70% off (even latest Black Sea and Utah DLCs are -30%).
No Discounts for LOTUS which is understandable as Early Access titles usually don't have discount.
For the trucking branch, here is the general overview of May 2020
Again, ATS had more activity in terms of eared cash than ETS 2.
DriversSo who where the ones pulling our wagons?
ETS 2 Top drivers (overall)Sorry for the delay, here's the April report for our trucking branch.
This time ETS 2 saw less activity than previous, but ATS had a increase.
DriversSo who where the ones pulling our wagons?
ETS 2 Top drivers (overall)All drives in ATS fell into the real category (max speed between 0 - 80mph) so no ranking ch...