Company report - January 2021

Posted by GameBurrow on Feb 05, 2021 in American Truck Simulator, Euro Truck Simulator 2, OMSI 2

It's a bit late, but here is the company report for Janurary 2021


We had yet another good month for the company. Our company rating is as usual around 91%. Financially we are on the rise:




Top maps

  1. London (Profit per month 190 175€)
  2. Ahlheim & Laurenzbach Updated (43 972€)
  3. Berlin-Spandau (33 050€)
  4. Fictional Szczezin (30 355)
  5. Saint-Servan (29 230€)

It was a surprise seeing Berlin-Spandau so high up in the list.Only 2 months wre red this month: Krefrath & Städtedreieck 3. We did not extend Börsny Fictional as a lot of people had issuse with it).

Full map statistics here

Your favourite buses

  1. MAN Lion's City DL09 (revenue of month 71 770€)
  2. London C400 (32 576€)
  3. Scania Citywide LF 12 2-2-2 (31 252€)
  4. MB Conecto 628c (26 109€)
  5. London Evocity's (both combined 24 484€)

Full vehicle statiscs here

ETS 2 and ATS statistics


Top drivers


bradm56's reign of power was finally broken!

  1. Scouse52 (income of last 30d 123 393€)
  2. bramd56 (65 692€)
  3. michale hadley (58 368€)
  4. lil_sam2k18 (51 604€)
  5. Cookie (44 816€)


  1. v199629 (driven distance of 15 700km)
  2. Scouse52 (10 405km)
  3. Lil_sam2k18 (7 642 km)
  4. smb251c (4 347km)
  5. Sambob_12 (1 414km)


  1. Scouse52 (driven distance of 16 845mi)
  2. Kdeff (12 316mi)
  3. Byron (7 945mi)
  4. Lewis3345_ (2 974mi)