And here's our report for the trucking side of the company. Overall the statistics look like this:
As you can see, like with BCS, numbers were a lot higher than February 2020. For example profit in ETS 2 was 22x as much as in February. Great work guys!
So who where the ones pulling our wagon?
ETS 2 Top drivers (overall)
- Gary Leaver (20 702 km)
- police444 (6 418 km)
- Lewis334_ (5 078 km)
- Bradm56 (3 465 km)
- Sambob_12 (2 098 km)
Category wise
Real (max speed between 0 - 100 km/h)
- Gary Leaver (20 702 km)
- Lewis334_ (5 075km)
- Bradm56 (3 465 km)
- GameBurrow (1 378 km)
- Charlie_S (1 377 km)
Race (max speed between 100 - 180 km/h)
- police444 (5 174 km)
- Sambob_12 (1 438 km)
- Charlie_S (533 km)
ATS Top drivers (overall)
- Kdeff (1 312 mi)
- PacificBurrow (317 mi)
- Lewis334_ (22 mi)
All drives in ATS fell into the real category (max speed between 0 - 80mph) so no ranking change there.