Again, better late than never.
Bus Company Simulator
The financial boost we had in January and December is mostly one and the company rating has dropped significantly also. This is due to the fact that we have quite the small amount of folks driving after the holidays ended.
Favourite buses
- GO 1833 MAN NLC Stadtbus Gelenkbus - 18C - 3 Tuerer - Voith (Driven distance of 49.5 km)
- GO 1321 MAN Intercity LE Solobus - 42C - ZF (48.2 km)
- GP 5210 [MS] Masterbus Veiling 3 - B8RLE 2DR (12.4m/Stealth) (48.1 km)
- GO 1226 Volvo V 7900 H (44.54 km)
- GO 5205 [SP] Studio Polygon Lite Lite 11.5m (Cummins, Euro 5) (26.4 km)
Most profitable maps
- Novi Sad (Profit of 12 150€ calculated from 3 months average)
- Ahlheim_Laurenzbach Updated (12 064€)
- Yorkshire 3.0 (1 721€)
Avg profit for all other maps was in the negative
This was the month we migrated from TrucksBook to Trucky so you'll see a new format of statistics. We also had some trips in Trucksbook at the beginning of omonth so you'll see last time of summary of that also.
Top drivers of the month
Bus Company Simulator
- DasVasker (Earned income of 16 480€)
- Cookie (6 168€)
- GameBurrow (4 543€)
- Busssimon03 (2 703€)
- Capacity-Felix (2 206€)
- Scouse52 (Driven distance of 47,942 km)
- weeG (14,727 km)
- ThunderBurrow (7,394 km)
- GameBurrow (7,370 km)
- Duck.Duck.Duck (489 km)
- weeG (Driven distance of 7,304 miles)
- Scouse52 (5,245 miles)
- ThunderBurrow (1,684 miles)