I'm glad to announce that our Lion's City Pack has been updated. It is now merged with Sobol's update 1.21. Due to this, there have been some changes with the buses in our depot:
- No 1237 MAN Lion's City A21 Euro 6 has been updated. Old permissions stayed.
- No 1238 MAN Lion's City A21 Euro 6 CNG has been replaced with MAN Lion's City A37 Hybrid, thus new permissions will need to be aquired.
- No 1822 MAN Lion's City A23 Euro 6 articulated bus has been replaced with MAN Lion's City A23 EEV, because the new update broke the version we used before. New permissions will need to be aquired.
- A new small citybus No 1008 MAN Lion's City A78 Euro 4 8.61m has been added.

Bascially A21 is now on stable release. A37 Hybrid and A78 are also mostly now bugfree (they were packed together with the stable release). A23 also got a lot of bugfixes, which I managed to attach to our pack thanks to beta version of the pack having this bus.
Biggest change is that all buses in our pack are now based on DE versions (Sobol released both DE and PL versions), with slight alterations brought over from PL versions. This means, that:
- The good old IBOX IBIS & Ticket controlcenter from V3D buses is back (full ticketselling yay)
- K++ destination display is back
I've also managed to fix collisionboxes for all of the buses so no more empty invisible collision areas behind the buses.
Currently I haven't released a separate repaint for these buses, you'll get the repaint together with the bus download.
Download & info
You can download it here: https://forum.gogroupvirtual.eu/d/90-man-lion-s-city-pack-our-edit-of-sobol-s-pl-pack
There you can also find full changelog, list of known bugs and report your own bugs.